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- The original question was a proposal to include a function in imagine to
- replace all points of an object with another object:
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 14:34:17 -0500
- From: Richard Mattsson <richard@CLOUDNET.COM>
- On further investigation, my test with the '4/4 section' primitive
- sphere as a template for the ARexx point replacement seems to indicate
- it behaves differently if the Detail editor is in Group mode or in
- Object mode when a copy of the sphere object is pasted.
- (This sphere had been scaled up from the default size. I decided to try
- an unscaled object, and discovered a different result, also!)
- Indicating which points appear to be correctly read (and used to
- position the newobject):
- Object Mode Group Mode Both Modes
- (scaled up) (scaled up) (not scaled)
- POINT.10 X X X
- POINT.11 X X X
- POINT.12 X X X
- POINT.13
- I wonder if it's an obscure 'feature' in the GETGEOMETRY command?
- Is there a way to directly read the variables written by the GETGEOMETRY
- command?
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 18:38:39 -0500
- From: "Ash R. J. Wyllie" <ashw@LR.NET>
- There seems to be a problem with transform. It seems that too many digits to
- the right of the decimal point screws things up. Try using trunc(var,4).
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 22:20:19 -0500
- Ash R. J. Wyllie <ashw@LR.NET> wrote:
- > getgeometry
- > delete /* I assume that you don't need the object anymore...*/
- > do i=1 to PNT_NUM
- > loadobject "whatever" /* I didn't see copy/paste */"
- > pick select
- > transform_translate PNT_Xi PNT_Y.i PNT_Z.i
- > end
- Okay, I got a chance to play a little. Caught the 'PNT_Xi' typo...
- (should be 'PNT_X.i' of course.)
- Thanks! This might be pretty useful for a 'particle object generator'
- for those situations where there are subgroups, etc.
- However, try this:
- As my first test object, I used a primitive sphere with 4 circle
- sections and 4 vertical sections (14 points.)
- For some reason, the GETGEOMETRY command doesn't seem to work on all the
- points. I get the first 5 OK, then several which don't work, and then a
- couple more which work, and then the last few fail as well (I think.)
- Any ideas?
- Otherwise, this looks like fun.
- (Wait, I just re-tried this, and all but *one* of the points received a
- replacement object correctly... strange. BTW, I commented out the
- 'delete' line so I could verify the operation.)
- --------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 15:14:37 -0500
- From: "Ash R. J. Wyllie" <ashw@LR.NET>
- At first glance, I thought it was negative numbers. Then maybe transform
- wouldn't translate beyond an earlier operation. What seems to be working now
- is to use *trunc(PNT_?,4)*. Not as bad as I thought earlier but still a bug.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 13:20:39 -0500
- From: "Ash R. J. Wyllie" <ashw@LR.NET>
- I cleaned the script up a bit and generalized it a bit.
- --
- /* addobj.irx */
- address "Imagine.1"
- /* from screwthread.irx */
- IF ~EXISTS('LIBS:rexxreqtools.library') THEN DO
- NOTIFY 'Please install the rexxreqtools.library in your LIBS: directory'
- NOTIFY 'It is available from /pub/aminet/util/rexx/RexxReqTools.lha'
- exit
- CALL ADDLIB('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- PNT_NUM = 0
- getgeometry
- getaxisinfo
- if PNT_NUM = 0 then exit
- rid = rtezrequest("Keep your object?","Yes|No",,'rt_pubscrname = "Imagine"')
- if rid = "No" then delete
- newobj = rtfilerequest(,,"Object to Add",,'rt_pubscrname = "Imagine"',maybe)
- if ~maybe then exit
- address command 'copy 'newobj' to ram:obj'
- displayrexxptr on
- addaxis
- pick select
- getattributes
- do i=1 to PNT_NUM
- loadobject "ram:obj"
- pick select
- address command 'wait sec 1'
- say PNT_X.i PNT_Y.i PNT_Z.i /* for some reason transform translate */
- /* does not like negative numbers */
- transform_translate PNT_X.i PNT_Y.i PNT_Z.i
- getattributes
- unpick
- multipickon
- pick axisName
- multipickoff
- group
- end
- address command 'delete ram:obj quiet'
- displayrexxptr off
- exit
- --
- transform translate does not like negative numbers at the moment. A bug?
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 09:13:32 -0500
- From: Richard Mattsson <richard@CLOUDNET.COM>
- Ash R. J. Wyllie <ashw@LR.NET> wrote:
- > I cleaned the script up a bit and generalized it a bit.
- Hey, this looks slick!
- Thanks, I'll try this out right away! (As long as work doesn't come in!)
- > transform translate does not like negative numbers at the moment. A
- > bug?
- Hmmm... I guess the position of the 'template' object needs to be in the
- positive 'octant' of 3D space, then.
- And later:
- >> For some reason, the GETGEOMETRY command doesn't seem to work on all
- >> the points. I get the first 5 OK, then several which don't work,
- > At first glance, I thought it was negative numbers. Then maybe
- > transform wouldn't translate beyond an earlier operation. What seems
- > to be working now is to use *trunc(PNT_?,4)*. Not as bad as I thought
- > earlier but still a bug.
- Pardon me, (maybe I'm dense...) where do you use 'trunc(PNT_?,4)'?
- (Oops, or are the '*' characters supposed to be included as well, not
- just for emphasis in your post?
- Thanks again! Good job. I nominate this for inclusion on some of the
- ARexx script pages out there...
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:16:33 -0500
- From: "Ash R. J. Wyllie" <ashw@LR.NET>
- *transform_translate trunc(PNT_X.i) trunc(PNT_Y.i) trunc(PNT_Z.i)*
- I changed it in my im50/rexx drawer, and forgot that others hadn't seen what I
- was running. When programming I tend to get confused over trees and forests.
- The transform_#? commands seem to have a problem. Relative commands (like
- rotate) don't work very well.
- I just found a bug :). Change the 'translate' parts to 'position'. To the
- extent that translate works it is because the objects are being loaded at
- 0,0,0. Moving an object x,y,z units becomes the same as putting the object at
- x,y,z.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:36:49 -0500
- From: Richard Mattsson <richard@CLOUDNET.COM>
- Hey! It works! It works! :-)
- This is really cool! Thanks so much, Ash! (Is the 'trunc' statement a
- general ARexx modifier? Just goes to show how little I'd have been able
- to do in this regard myself...)
- It works! (Too bad *I* have to get to work this morning... the money
- kind, I mean!)
- > The transform_#? commands seem to have a problem. Relative commands
- > (like rotate) don't work very well.
- Hmm... interesting. So 'absolute' commands (like alignment) tend to work
- better? Good to keep in mind for future scripts.
- > I just found a bug :). Change the 'translate' parts to 'position'. To
- > the extent that translate works it is because the objects are being
- > loaded at 0,0,0. Moving an object x,y,z units becomes the same as
- > putting the object at x,y,z.
- Aha! That explains what happened when I used an object which had been
- 'snapshotted'! (Everything was offset...)
- I hope someone else is as excited by this as I am. I'll post the
- complete script here (with the changes we discussed) so you can see what
- I understand from your posts, and so that others can use the script now
- 'as is'.
- Thanks again! Good job!
- --- CUT ---
- /* addobj.irx */
- address "Imagine.1"
- /* from screwthread.irx */
- IF ~EXISTS('LIBS:rexxreqtools.library') THEN DO
- NOTIFY 'Please install the rexxreqtools.library in your LIBS:
- directory'
- NOTIFY 'It is available from /pub/aminet/util/rexx/RexxReqTools.lha'
- exit
- CALL ADDLIB('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- PNT_NUM = 0
- getgeometry
- getaxisinfo
- if PNT_NUM = 0 then exit
- rid = rtezrequest("Keep your object?","Yes|No",,'rt_pubscrname =
- "Imagine"')
- if rid = "No" then delete
- newobj = rtfilerequest(,,"Object to Add",,'rt_pubscrname =
- "Imagine"',maybe)
- if ~maybe then exit
- address command 'copy 'newobj' to ram:obj'
- displayrexxptr on
- addaxis
- pick select
- getattributes
- do i=1 to PNT_NUM
- loadobject "ram:obj"
- pick select
- address command 'wait sec 1'
- say PNT_X.i PNT_Y.i PNT_Z.i /* for some reason transform translate */
- /* does not like negative numbers */
- transform_position trunc(PNT_X.i) trunc(PNT_Y.i) trunc(PNT_Z.i)
- getattributes
- unpick
- multipickon
- pick axisName
- multipickoff
- group
- end
- address command 'delete ram:obj quiet'
- displayrexxptr off
- exit
- --- CUT ---
- I tried using DISPLAYSTOPREDRAW throughout this script, but I wasn't
- able to totally eliminate the redraws. It saved some time, but there's
- still a step which is redrawing the display I can't seem to get rid of.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:49:12 -0500
- From: "Ash R. J. Wyllie" <ashw@LR.NET>
- >This is really cool! Thanks so much, Ash! (Is the 'trunc' statement a
- >general ARexx modifier? Just goes to show how little I'd have been able
- >to do in this regard myself...)
- trunc() is one of the built in functions. If you wish to become a programmer
- you should do two things. 1) See a shrink. Maybe he can talk you out of this
- insane notion. If that doesn't work. 2) sit down and read the Arexx manual and
- the documentation for the various #?rexx#?.libraries that are on aminet. Try
- to remember all the fns, and what they do. 3) go back to the shrink (if you
- can find the time... :)).
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 00:59:16 EST
- In a message dated 98-01-16 23:39:35 EST, you write:
- > All right, Chuck, where's your page? (I was all set to fly there and
- > scarf down everything,--but there was no url on your note).
- Oops, sorry, I am so used to using YAM at home that sometimes I don't add my
- sig when using AOL at work.
- http://www.azstarnet.com/~midian
- Nothing for Imagine yet (still learning the commands and updating the
- Imagine.guide from 3.0 to 5.0)
- Imagine Render contest - http://www.azstarnet.com/~midian/Imagine/
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 15:39:23 -0800
- From: Mike McCool <mikemcoo@EFN.ORG>
- On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, AOLTechJOE wrote:
- > Back on topic, how does the finished script look? Is it available on
- > Aminet/web page?
- Richard Mattsson posted the script back here a couple' days ago, with all
- the discussed changes/additions. Ain't had a chance to try it yet, but I
- did d'load it.
- Lemme know if you can't find it (since I know you must archive ALL iml
- posts) and I'll forward it to you.
- (Oh and btw, thanks, Chuck, for re-posting your website, so we can all
- come and share your rexx scripts).
- http://www.efn.org/~mikemcoo
- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/lofts/9794